Meet Coach Amy Melinda


I am passionate about helping professional women change their drinking habits and return to a happily unencumbered lifestyle. We don’t ever intend to get stuck in a habit loop. It just happens over time. Alcohol is an addictive substance. I freed myself using the same methodologies that I use as a certified coach. It worked for me, and it can work for you.


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The sudden death of my 51-year-old father prompted me to begin using alcohol as a coping mechanism in my early teens. I was anxious in social settings and drank to fit in with the crowd. I partied throughout high school yet maintained excellent grades. Upon entering the professional workforce, I suspended my party lifestyle to focus on my banking career, but I resumed drinking to fit in with colleagues. After saving enough money to put myself through college, I again quit drinking while earning a degree in Sociology, with honors, only to go back to drinking upon graduation. I continued my banking career in Boston MA but found that the tedious commute left little time to enjoy life. I then found a position at a small energy services company close to home and had more free time to enjoy doing the things I loved like working out, being outside in nature, hiking, biking, and swimming. I even completed a couple Sprint Triathlons. All the while “rewarding” myself with a nice bottle of wine or a few pints at the pub. 

My drinking really ramped up when my husband retired, and we moved 1,500 miles south to Florida. I cultivated a nightly wine habit to deal with the stress of becoming the sole breadwinner, and the awkwardness of trying to fit in with a whole new crowd. Then I had a major health scare. 

I lied to my doctor at the post health scare follow up visit. When asked, I was too embarrassed to admit how often and how much I’d been drinking. My doctor looked me dead in the eye, then very quietly came aside the examination table, got right up to my ear, and whispered one word: STOP. 

That one word sent my life on a whole new trajectory. Wanting desperately to cut back, but not being able to, I searched for help. I did not consider myself an alcoholic, and AA did not resonate. Being an avid reader, I naturally looked to books. I landed upon William Porter’s Alcohol Explained, followed by Annie Grace’s This Naked Mind, and soon joined the This Naked Mind’s Alcohol Experiment. 

I lost my desire to drink for the first time in my life. I uncovered the subconscious beliefs that had kept me returning to alcohol time after time. Until this point, I had truly believed that alcohol dependency was in my genes, and that I’d wind up being an old drunken lady someday. 

Now I live happily unencumbered. I coach smart successful women to transform their relationship with alcohol, so they have the freedom to do what they want to do, whenever they want to do it. 


Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.